Chap. 2: Scalar Data 1. How are numbers stored in P6? * What different formats are there for storing numbers? * Are there such things as 'floating-point literals' and 'integer literals'? * How about octal and hexadecimal and other numbers? 2. What operators does P6 have to act on numbers? 3. How are strings stored in P6? * Is there a difference between single-quoted and double-quoted string literals in P6? * What double-quoted string backslash escapes does P6 have? 4. What operators does P6 have to act on strings? * concatenation * string repetition 5. How, if at all, does P6 convert between numbers and strings? 6. How are warnings enabled in P6? * On command line? * Inside programs? * Are there diagnostics? 7. How do scalar variables work in P6? * Sigil * scalar assignment 8. What binary assignment operators does P6 have? 9. How do I produce output from a P6 program? * print * printf * say 10. How do scalar variables interpolate into strings in P6? 11. How do operator precedence and associativity work in P6? 12. What comparison operators does P6 have? * For numbers * For strings 13. How does the 'if' control structure work in P6? * Does it handle 'unless' control structures? 14. How are logical truth and falsehood handled in P6? * Does P6 have a Boolean data type? 15. How do we get user input into a P6 program? * Is there a line-input operator? * Does P6 have operators for removing newlines or removing the last character in a string? 16. How does P6 implement a 'while' control structure? * Does it handle 'until' control structures? 17. How does P6 handle undefined values? * Does P6 have a 'defined' function? 18. How would we classify P6's operators with respect to the positions of the values they operate on? Exercises: Learning Perl, 4th ed., p. 37 # vim: textwidth=100: