line | % | coverage | condition |
104 | 50 | | shift @_ || undef |
440 | 67 | | $rvref = $self->fetch_para and $$rvref[0] == 0 |
446 | 100 | | @{$$self{'line'};} and $$self{'line'}[0] =~ /^(?:#|$)/ |
479 | 0 | | --$$self{'XSS_work_idx'} and $$self{'XSStack'}[$$self{'XSS_work_idx'}]{'type'} ne 'if' |
489 | 100 | | $$self{'XSS_work_idx'} and not $$self{'XSStack'}[$$self{'XSS_work_idx'}]{'varname'} |
536 | 67 | | ($kwd, $thisline) = $self->check_keyword($thisline, 'REQUIRE|PROTOTYPES|FALLBACK|VERSIONCHECK|INCLUDE') and $kwd |
547 | 67 | | ($kwd, $thisline) = $self->check_keyword($thisline, 'BOOT') and $kwd |
551 | 33 | | $$self{'linenumbers'} and not $$self{'line'}[0] =~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/ |
566 | 33 | | $$self{'argtypes'} and $$self{'ret_type'} =~ s/^(.*?\w.*?)\s*\b(\w+\s*\(.*)/$1/s |
619 | 67 | | $$self{'argtypes'} and $orig_args =~ /\S/ |
631 | 100 | | defined $pre and length $pre |
635 | 33 | | $$self{'inout'} and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+// |
648 | 33 | | length $pre or $islength |
659 | 67 | | $out_type eq 'OUTLIST' or $islength |
674 | 0 | | $$self{'inout'} and $thisarg =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|IN_OUT|OUT)\s+// |
688 | 0 | | defined $static || $$self{'func_name'} eq 'new' |
699 | 33 | | $args[$i] eq '' and $i == $#args |
737 | 67 | | $CODE && "@{$$self{'line'};}" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x |
817 | 67 | | ($kwd, $thisline) = $self->check_keyword($thisline, 'CASE') and $kwd |
1012 | 67 | | not $thisline =~ /\S/ and @{$$self{'line'};} |
1016 | 100 | | $2 || 0 |
1152 | 33 | | $$self{'condnum'} and $$self{'cond'} eq '' |
1205 | 0 | | $$self{'arg_list'}{$var_name}++ or defined $$self{'argtype_seen'}{$var_name} and not $$self{'processing_arg_with_types'} |
1234 | 0 | A | B | C | D | dec |
0 | 0 | X | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | X | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | X | X | X | 1 |
| $var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/ or $$self{'in_out'}{$var_name} and $$self{'in_out'}{$var_name} =~ /^OUT/ and not $var_init =~ /\S/ |
1268 | 0 | | $varname and $type =~ / \( \s* \* (?= \s* \) ) /gx |
1381 | 67 | | not defined $$self{'lastline'} and $$self{'XSStack'}[-1]{'type'} eq 'if' |
1422 | 33 | | $isPipe and $? |
1472 | 100 | | not $$self{'lastline'} =~ /^\s*#/ or $$self{'lastline'} =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/ |
1474 | 100 | | $$self{'lastline'} =~ /^\S/ and @line and $line[-1] eq '' |
1485 | 33 | | $$self{'lastline'} =~ /\\$/ and defined($tmp_line = <$IN>) |
1610 | 100 | | @{$line_ref;} and $$line_ref[-1] eq '' |
1643 | 0 | | $tk eq 'T_PV' and exists $$self{'lengthof'}{$$self{'var'}} |
1686 | 0 | | $$self{'ScopeThisXSUB'} or not $$self{'expr'} =~ /^\s*\$self->{var} =/ |
1741 | 0 | | $init =~ s/^\+// and $$self{'var_num'} |