Perl 7: An Opinionated Introduction
James E Keenan
DC Perlmongers
October 7 2020
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Prelude
3. History
4. What Happened to Perl 5 While Perl 6 Was in Gestation?
5. Role of Pumpking
6. Perl 5 Development Cycle
7. Perl 5 Development Process
8. "Perl Is Dead"
9. We've Got to Try Something Different
10. Should We Change?
11. There Has Been No Decision Yet That We Should Change
12. Defaults
13. What Do We Mean by Default Behavior? (2)
14. What Do We Mean by Default Behavior? (3)
15. Problems with 1994 Defaults
16. Perl 7: 2020 Defaults (or, One Proposal For 2020 Defaults)
17. Perl 8: 202? Defaults
18. Perl 8: Should We?
19. The Argument for Moving Forward
20. Perl 7: 2020 Defaults: A Different Proposal
21. What Projects Should I Write in Perl 7?
22. Do I Need to Re-write Existing Perl 5 Applications in Perl 7?
23. How Can I Prepare for Perl 7?
24. Junk Your Old Prototypes (1)
25. Junk Your Old Prototypes (2)
26. New-Fangled Prototypes
27. Indirect Object Syntax (1)
28. Indirect Object Syntax (2)
29. The Perl 7 Project
30. Development of Perl 7
31. Perl 7 Issue Tracker
32. Perl 7 Development Objectives
33. Objective 2: Strict-by-Default
34. Objective 3: Warnings-by-Default
35. (Smoke-)Test Driven Development
36. (Smoke-)Test Driven Development in Perl 7
37. What We're Working on Right Now
38. How Can I Help?
39. End
40. Bonus Slides
41. Bonus Slides - Objections
42. One Perl Executable to Rule Them All?
43. Objectors Assume You Only Have One Perl Executable
44. "But It Breaks Backwards Compatibility -- Perl's Primary Asset"
45. Bonus Slides - Interoperability
46. Interoperability: Objective 15
47. Bonus Slides - How We Handle Warnings
48. Suppressing Warnings (2)
49. Suppressing Warnings (3)
50. Capturing and Testing Warnings (1)
51. Capturing and Testing Warnings (2)
52. Eliminating Warnings (1)
53. Eliminating Warnings (2)
54. Governance Discussions