Coverage Analysis in Perl: The Basics

James E Keenan

DB-Baltimore Perl Workshop
April 20, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Last Year at DC-BPW ...
3. This Year at DC-BPW ...
4. Some Immediate Caveats

5. Coverage Analysis
6. Some Vocabulary
7. Subroutine Analysis
8. Statement Analysis
9. What Happens If You Cannot Reach a Particular Statement?
11. Branch and Condition Analysis (1)
12. Branch and Condition Analysis (2)
13. Branch and Condition Analysis (3)
14. Branch and Condition Analysis (4)

15. Coverage Analysis Applied
16. Data::Dumper
17. The Case of the Missing Test Coverage
18. Devel::Cover
19. Using Devel::Cover
22. The Case of the Improved Test Coverage

23. Conclusion
24. Latest Developments
26. References