September 11 2017 |
File::Path Security |
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0000': Permission denied
ok 36 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0000
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0100': Permission denied
ok 37 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0100
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0200': Permission denied
ok 38 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0200
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0300': Permission denied
ok 39 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0300
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0400/a': Permission denied
ok 40 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0400
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0500/a': Permission denied
ok 41 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0500
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0600/a': Permission denied
ok 42 - Unable to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0600
ok 43 - Able to rm -rf /tmp/10237_base_with_file/foo_10237_0700
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=43, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.00 sys + 0.04 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.06 CPU)
Result: PASS