Weekend Wonders and Modest Modules
James E Keenan
Pittsburgh Perl Workshop
November 8 2014
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The Setup
3. Weekend Wonder
4. Parse::File::Metadata
5. A File with Two Formats
7. The Ask
8. Business Rules
10. The Solution
11. Setup
12. The Solution
13. What Happened Next?
14. Text::CSV::Hashify
15. The Problem (more)
16. My Quandary
17. Solve It First In Perl!
18. How to Get Table into Perl Data Structure?
19. What I Wanted Interface to Say
20. The Solution
22. What Happened Next?
23. Git::Reduce::Tests
24. The Solution
27. What Happened Next?
28. Summary
29. Differences
30. What You Can Do
31. The Proof That You Can Do It!
32. Thank You!
33. References