The Problem

Let's start with a problem: You are presented with a CSV file that looks like this:

    $> cat automobiles_taxonomy.csv

    "|General Motors","","",0
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet",1000000,0.80,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Spark",100000,0.15,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Sonic",150000,0.20,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Cruze",250000,0.20,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Malibu",200000,0.25,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Impala",175000,0.30,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac",150000,1.00,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Coupe",150000,0.30,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Sedan",150000,0.35,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Crossover",150000,0.40,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Escalade",150000,0.50,1

You are told that the first column in this CSV file -- path -- holds hierarchical data about automobile manufacturers, their major car lines or "marques" and individual models.


You are instructed to process this CSV data and insert it into a relational database table named autos -- but you are told that in that table each row will be uniquely identified by an id column and that the hierarchical nature of the data has to be described by a combination of three columns, like this:

     id | parent_id |      name      | audience_size | cpm  | is_actionable 
      1 |           | General Motors |               |      | f
      2 |           | Toyota         |               |      | f
      3 |         1 | Chevrolet      |       1000000 | 0.80 | t
      4 |         1 | Cadillac       |        150000 | 1.00 | t
      5 |         2 | Corolla        |        800000 | 0.60 | t
      6 |         2 | Camry          |        600000 | 0.70 | t
      7 |         2 | Prius          |        400000 | 0.80 | t
      8 |         2 | RAV4           |        300000 | 0.50 | t
      9 |         3 | Spark          |        100000 | 0.15 | t
     10 |         3 | Sonic          |        150000 | 0.20 | t
     11 |         3 | Cruze          |        250000 | 0.20 | t
     12 |         3 | Malibu         |        200000 | 0.25 | t
     13 |         3 | Impala         |        175000 | 0.30 | t
     14 |         4 | Coupe          |        150000 | 0.30 | t
     15 |         4 | Sedan          |        150000 | 0.35 | t
     16 |         4 | Crossover      |        150000 | 0.40 | t
     17 |         4 | Escalade       |        150000 | 0.50 | t

The name column, you are told, is the last part of the pipe-delimited string you see in the path column of the incoming CSV file. The parent_id column, you are also told, is the id number of the row in the database holding a name corresponding to the next-to-last part of the pipe-delimited string you see in the path column. So, given this row in the CSV file:

    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Spark",100000,0.15,1

Once this record is assigned id 9 in the autos table and name Spark, you ask, "What is the id for Chevrolet in the autos table?", and you assign that value -- 3 to the parent_id column of the row whose id is 6.

      9 |         3 | Spark          |        100000 | 0.15 | t

Chevrolet's parent_id, in turn, becomes 1 because the id assigned to General Motors -- Chevrolet's "parent" -- is 1.

The problem is: Can you actually get from here to there? Is the data in the CSV file truly hierarchical and, if it is and you get it into the database table, can you confirm that you preserved its hierarchical nature in the new format?

To answer these questions, we first have to learn something about the data structure known as a taxonomy.

What Is a Taxonomy?

In today's presentation I hope to:

In this presentation I will define a taxonomy as a tree-like data structure (such as that shown in Diagram 1) with a root node, zero or more branch (child) nodes, and one or more leaf nodes.

Diagram 1:

                  |                            |            |        |
               Branch                       Branch       Branch     Leaf
                  |                            |            |
       -------------------------         ------------       |
       |                       |         |          |       |
    Branch                  Branch     Leaf       Leaf   Branch
       |                       |                            |
       |                 ------------                       |
       |                 |          |                       |
     Leaf              Leaf       Leaf                    Leaf

The root node and each branch node must have at least one child node, but leaf nodes have no child nodes. The number of branches between a leaf node and the root node is variable.

Let's make this structure a bit more human-friendly by giving names to the various nodes.

Diagram 2:

                  |                            |            |        |
                Alpha                        Beta         Gamma    Delta
                  |                            |            |
       -------------------------         ------------       |
       |                       |         |          |       |
    Epsilon                  Zeta       Eta       Theta   Iota
       |                       |                            |
       |                 ------------                       |
       |                 |          |                       |
     Kappa            Lambda        Mu                      Nu

We can leave the root node unnamed for now. (You can think of that as "Mother Nature", "the Divinity" or "the Unnameable.")

Looking at Diagram 2, you might well ask, "Do the nodes in the taxonomy have to have unique names?" The answer is: No, they don't -- with one exception. No two nodes which are children of the same parent can have the same name -- but it is okay for nodes which are children of different parents to be named the same. So Diagram 3 shows a legitimate taxonomy because the two nodes named "Delta" have different parents.

Diagram 3: (valid)

                  |                            |            |        |
                Alpha                        Beta         Gamma    Delta
                  |                            |            |
       -------------------------         ------------       |
       |                       |         |          |       |
    Epsilon                  Zeta       Eta       Theta   Iota
       |                       |                            |
       |                 ------------                       |
       |                 |          |                       |
     Kappa            Lambda        Mu                    Delta

But Diagram 4 is not a legitimate taxonomy because two children of the root node both are named "Delta."

Diagram 4: (invalid)

                  |                            |            |        |
                Alpha                        Beta         Delta    Delta  <-- invalid
                  |                            |            |
       -------------------------         ------------       |
       |                       |         |          |       |
    Epsilon                  Zeta       Eta       Theta   Iota
       |                       |                            |
       |                 ------------                       |
       |                 |          |                       |
     Kappa            Lambda        Mu                      Nu

A taxonomy may or may not represent some intrisic hierarchical structure within a data set. What's more important is that a taxonomy be useful in organizing human thinking about a data set. The most famous taxonomies are the those associated with Linnaeus and his description of the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Carl_von_Linn%C3%A9.jpg) Today they may not be considered the most scientifically accurate depictions of nature, but they certainly have been useful over the centuries in helping humans think about nature.

There are, however, other useful ways to structure our thinking about data sets. The taxonomy is good at showing hierarchical relationships among nodes in a data set, but it's not very good at showing the properties or attributes of individual nodes. For that we're more likely to turn to a two-dimensional matrix-like structure in which each row represents the properties of an individual node, while each column holds the value of a particular property across all nodes. We see this in spreadsheets, in relational database tables and, should we choose to work in the plain-text world, in CSV files.

Can We Represent Hierarchically Structured Data in Row-Column Format?

Materialized Path

Suppose we have a set of demographic data with thse four properties:


With only these four columns, the data is not very useful. We don't have a way to uniquely identify a given record or look up its properties. But if the data set meets the requirements for a taxonomy we are on the road to success -- and, as we shall see, there are at least two such roads to success.

Let's go back to Diagram 3: the taxonomy where one node shared the same name with a node with a different parent:

Diagram 3: (redux)

                  |                            |            |        |
                Alpha                        Beta         Gamma    Delta
                  |                            |            |
       -------------------------         ------------       |
       |                       |         |          |       |
    Epsilon                  Zeta       Eta       Theta   Iota
       |                       |                            |
       |                 ------------                       |
       |                 |          |                       |
     Kappa            Lambda        Mu                    Delta

Let's assume that each node in this tree has a value for the four demographic properties mentioned above. Our first pass at representing this tree in CSV format might look like this:

Diagram 5:


We simply create a column called name and populate it with the name of the node in the tree. But this is obviously insufficient: All sense of the hierarchical structure is lost; and two nodes share the same name, precluding the name column from being used to uniquely identify each record.

But, what if instead of a name column we created a path column which we populated, not just with the node's name, but with the names of each of the node's ancestors? In other words, suppose the path column held the complete route from the root node to any given node. We could do this if we separated each of the ancestor nodes with a delimiter different from that used in the CSV data itself. For example, if we used a pipe (|) delimiter inside the path column, our data would look like this:

Diagram 6: Taxonomy by Materialized Path


The path column is now an instance of what is often referred to as a materialized path, so I will refer to this type of CSV data as a taxonomy by materialized path.

Note that every node in the hierarchy (except the root node, which can often be treated as optional) has its own CSV record. Note further that the materialized path uniquely identifies each record and describes each record's position in the taxonomy.

Adjacent List

There are, however, other ways to represent a taxonomy in CSV format besides materialized path. Suppose we were to start from our last diagram and issue each record a serial number -- a unique, numerical ID issued in sequence.

Diagram 7:


Note that we now have two columns in this CSV file each of which uniquely identifies each record.

Next, suppose that we provide each record with a parent_id value, i.e., the value of the id field for the record's parent node in the hierarchy. Our taxonomy would then look like this:

Diagram 8:


Records 1, 7, 10 and 13 have a null value for parent_id because their parent is the root node (which we continue to ignore for the time being). Records 2 and 4 have a parent_id value of 1 because Epsilon and Zeta are the children of Alpha and so forth.

But there's one more refinement we need to make. We no longer need all the data in the path column. We can look up each node's parent by checking the value of its parent_id column; look up that node's parent by checking the value of its parent_id column; and so on until we get to the top-level node. We can revert to having a name column which holds only the name of an individual node. Our CSV data now looks like this:

Diagram 9:


We no longer have to worry about records at different levels of the hierarchy sharing the same name because the uniqueness of each record is guaranteed by the id column -- not by the name column or by a path column. And we no longer need the path column to hold a delimited string representation of the route from the node back to the root node; we can follow the chain of ids and parent_ids to achieve the same end.

A fancier way of asking "Where is this node in the hierarchy?" is to ask "What node is this node adjacent to?" The term adjacent list is often used to describe this kind of data structure. So we'll describe this kind of taxonomy where you use ids and parent_ids to uniquely identify a node and to describe its location in the tree as a taxonomy by adjacent list. Note that the same underlying data structure could be represented by either a taxonomy-by-materialized-path or a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list and that we have, in effect, transformed the former into the latter.

Why Should We Care about Taxonomies?

At this point in this presentation, you are probably asking yourself two questions:

  1. What's the practical use of this stuff?

  2. Where's the Perl?

Let's look at some use-cases first. I'll construct these use cases from the digital marketing industry (because that's where I'm currently employed and hence where I can think of examples most quickly), but I'm sure you'll be able to think of other cases as well.

Digital marketing is basically worthless unless it's targeted to particular potential customers. A sub-industry of audience vendors has arisen whose members purport to be able to deliver particular groups of potential customers to advertisers willing to pay a fee for that service. Advertising technology companies need to be able to get data from audience vendors, store it internally and enable their customers -- advertising agencies and advertising brands -- to use that data in making decisions about purchasing digital advertising placements.

Let's suppose that a particular audience vendor specializes in automobiles and can provide audiences based on manufacturer, brand and model. Let's suppose further that that vendor supplies its data to ad tech companies in a CSV file said to hold a taxonomy by materialized path. That file might look like this:

Diagram 10:

    $> cat automobiles_taxonomy.csv

    "|General Motors","","",0
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet",1000000,0.80,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Spark",100000,0.15,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Sonic",150000,0.20,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Cruze",250000,0.20,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Malibu",200000,0.25,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Impala",175000,0.30,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac",150000,1.00,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Coupe",150000,0.30,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Sedan",150000,0.35,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Crossover",150000,0.40,1
    "|General Motors|Cadillac|Escalade",150000,0.50,1

Problem: Is the taxonomy valid?

Let's say that you're a product manager or an engineer in an ad tech company and an audience vendor has provided you with the CSV data above. Before you go inserting this data into your database and permitting your customers to make purchasing decisions based on this data, you should ask: "Is this a valid taxonomy? Can I rule out obvious defects in the data?"

Two potential defects come to mind.

1 Missing branch node

Suppose the GM data in the taxonomy above jumped directly from the |General Motors node to the |General Motors|Chevrolet|Spark node without the intermediate branch node |General Motors|Chevrolet.

    "|General Motors","","",0
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Spark",100000,0.15,1

This would violate the rule that every node in the hierarchy be represented by a unique record in the taxonomy. Hence, the taxonomy would be invalid.

2 Two nodes, children of same parent, with same name

Suppose in the Chevrolet data there were two nodes with the same brand name.

    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Sonic",100000,0.15,1
    "|General Motors|Chevrolet|Sonic",150000,0.20,1

Two children of the same parent node are sharing the same name. This would invalidate the taxonomy because the materialized path would no longer be able to uniquely identify each record.

Solution: Parse::Taxonomy

I have written a Perl library called Parse-Taxonomy which you can find on CPAN which provides basic functionality for handling taxonomies with data in CSV format. The library contains two principal subclasses: Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath and Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList to handle the two kinds of taxonomies discussed in today's presentation. The library also contains a cookbook with recipes for common problems in dealing with taxonomies. Consulting that cookbook, we find that we can validate a taxonomy-by-materialized-path by simply trying to create a Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object.

    $obj = Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath->new( {
        file => 'automobiles_taxonomy.csv',
    } );
    ok(defined $obj, "$taxonomy_file passes basic validations");

Once we have a valid taxonomy, we can play with it by calling methods on the object. For example, we can turn it into a hash:

    my $hashified = $obj->hashify();

        "|General Motors" => {
            audience_size => "",
            buyable => 0,
            cpm => "",
            path => "|General Motors"
        "|General Motors|Cadillac" => {
            audience_size => 150000,
            buyable => 1,
            cpm => "1.00",
            path => "|General Motors|Cadillac",
        # ...
        "|Toyota" => {
            audience_size => "",
            buyable => 0,
            cpm => "",
            path => "|Toyota"
        "|Toyota|Camry" => {
            audience_size => 600000,
            buyablB => 1,
            cpm => "0.70",
            path => "|Toyota|Camry",
        # ...

We can also take the data in the object and structure them as a taxonomy-by-adjacent-list, which we then write out to a CSV file.

    my $adjacentified = $obj->adjacentify();

    my $csv_out = "$cwd/examples/data/auto_adjacent.csv";

    $obj->write_adjacentified_to_csv( {
        adjacentified => $adjacentified,
        csvfile => $csv_out,
    } );

    $> cat examples/data/auto_adjacent.csv

    1,,"General Motors",,,0

We could next take this CSV file and use it as input for another module within the Parse-Taxonomy distribution, Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList. As was the case with Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath, if we can successfully create a Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList object with a given input, we have confirmed that the data has a taxonomically valid structure.

    my $alobj = Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList->new( {
        file => $csv_out,
    } );
    ok(defined($alobj), "Taxonomically valid adjacent list");

We can even turn this taxonomy-by-adjacent-list back into a taxonomy-by-materialized-path by calling a pathify() method on this object.

    my $pathified = $alobj->pathify();

And, with a little work not shown here, we can write tests that demonstrate that the data structure in the Parse::Taxonomy::AdjacentList object is exactly the same as the data structure we first created in the Parse::Taxonomy::MaterializedPath object.


In today's presentation we've:

There are a variety of other CPAN libraries which deal with hierarchically structured data, particularly in the DBIx::Class namespace. I encourage you to check them all out.

Thank you very much.