Testing CPAN against the Perl 5 Core Distribution: Where Do We Stand?
James E Keenan
Philadelphia Perlmongers
March 12 2018
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Last Year at TPC
3. Testing Core Distribution Against CPAN
4. How Do We Handle "Blead Breaks CPAN" Issues?
5. Importance of Testing CPAN against Perl 5 Blead
6. Do We Currently Test Blead Against CPAN?
7. Post-CPAN-Testing Legwork
8. Limitations of Current Approach
9. A New Approach: Test-Against-Dev
10. What I Am Developing: "Test-Against-Dev"
11. Start by Getting Monthly Release from CPAN
12. Install 'perl' and 'cpanm'
13. Install Selected CPAN Modules with 'cpanm'
14. Analyze JSON Files
15. Which CPAN Distributions Should We Test?
16. CPAN River as Metaphor
17. CPAN River as Graph
18. CPAN River for Testing Core Distribution
19. Notify Perl 5 Porters
20. Incorporating Community Building into the Process
21. Current Status
22. Summary
23. References
24. Bonus Slides
25. Perl-Download-FTP
26. App-cpanminus-reporter
27. CPAN-cpanminus-reporter-RetainReports